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"From My Front Row Seat" - signed by author, Susan Binkley


"From My Front Row Seat" - signed by author, Susan Binkley

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"From My Front Row Seat" - signed by author, Susan Binkley

Sale Price:$15.99 Original Price:$17.99

From My Front Row Seat is a collection of popular blog posts where Susan weaves an intricate tapestry of candid Blue Monarch life, as seen through her eyes, combined with her own colorful lifetime experiences. Her voice is raw and authentic with a thread of humor just around the corner.

Susan’s stories are filled with complicated realities of recovery, tragedies of generational abuse and addiction, honest struggles of leadership, the tremendous power of prayer, and beautiful illustrations of a God who heals. The reader will get to know the courageous women and precious children of Blue Monarch and will walk away reminded that miracles are still very real, and that God uses ordinary and even reluctant people to make them happen.

Also available in multiple formats on Amazon.

#1 Bestseller in Inspirational Christianity

#1 Bestseller in Christian Missions and Missionary Work

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